Theme: New development in Forensic Chemistry and Research
Forensic Chemistry 2022
12th International Conference on Forensic Chemistry and Biochemistry, which will take place on March 23-24, 2022 Zurich, Switzerland , aims to bring together academics and corporate researchers on one platform to explore the topic of advanced research and technology in medical chemistry - legal.
Forensic chemistry and Biochemistry provides greater application to law enforcement. Many different analytical methods can be used to reveal chemical changes that have occurred in an accident and thus help reconstruct the sequence of events. Extensive techniques that fall under forensic chemistry are capillary electrophoresis in forensic chemistry, applications of ICPMS in chemical analysis of forensic evidence, automation of forensic laboratories, studies case study on drug profiling, method development and applications of LCMS / MS in forensic analysis that is used for the identification of pharmaceuticals.
This conference provides a global forum for Academics, Deans, Academic Experts, Industrialists, Nutritionists, Dietician, Doctors, Young Scientists, Students, Delegates, Nutritionists, and talented understudy groups from universities and research laboratories to share the most recent advancements in the fields of food science, pharma and health to participate at Forensic Chemistry
This conference will primarily focus on forward-thinking advances and advancements in the field of Forensic Chemistry. Forensic Chemistry is the branch of science dedicated to the study of chemistry.
Why to attend?
With members from around the world focused on learning about Forensic Chemistry and its advancement so this is your best opportunity to reach the largest assembly of participants of the Forensic Chemistry and community. This conference seek to bring all such scientists, Noble Laureates, researchers, research scholars, students and people together who are involved in Forensic Chemistry ground and provide them to discuss about their unique innovation, sharing ideas and interaction with each other. World-renowned speakers, the most recent development and advancement in the field of Forensic Chemistry are the limelight of the conference.
Conference Opportunities
For Researchers and Faculty Members:
- Speaker Presentations
- Poster Display
- Symposium hosting (4-5 members/team)
- Workshop organizing
For Universities, Associations & Societies:
- Association Partnering
- Collaboration Proposals
- Academic Partnering
- Group Participation
For Students and Research Scholars:
- Poster Competition (Winner will get Best Poster Award)
- Young Researcher Forum (YRF Award to the best presenter)
- Student Attendee
- Group Registrations
For Business Delegates:
- Speaker Presentations
- Symposium hosting
- Book Launch event
- Networking opportunities
- Audience participation
For Product Manufacturers:
- Exhibitor and Vendor Booths
- Sponsorships opportunities
- Product launch Workshop organizing
- Scientific Partnering
- Marketing and Networking with clients
- Best Poster Award
- Outstanding Young Researcher Award
- Group Registration benefits
- Keynote sessions by the world’s most eminent researchers
- Top Industries Representations
Target Audience:
- Scientists and professors
- Presidents & Vice Presidents
- Directors/Managers/CEO’s
- Medical Colleges
- Research faculty
- Quality control officers
- Quality assurance officers
- Scientists
- Researchers
- Biotechnologists
- Industrialists
Track 1: Forensic Chemistry
Forensic chemistry and Biochemistry provides greater application to law enforcement. Many different analytical methods can be used to reveal chemical changes that have occurred in an accident and thus help reconstruct the sequence of events. Extensive techniques that fall under forensic chemistry are capillary electrophoresis in forensic chemistry, applications of icpm in chemical analysis of forensic evidence, automation of forensic laboratories, case studies for drug profiling, method development and applications of LCMS / MS in forensic analysis which is used for the identification of pharmaceuticals. In 2012, the global forensic technology market was valued at US $ 8.3 billion and is expected to reach a total market value of US $ 17.7 billion by the end of 2019, recording a growth rate of 12.4 GR.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 2: Digital Forensics
Digital Forensics includes several new topics such as digital evidence protection models, digital forensics field guides, digital forensics readiness management system, digital forensics services, digital image tampering detection. In 2015, the digital forensics services segment is expected to account for approximately 50.0% of industry revenue. ABI Research estimates that the total revenue of the global digital forensics market will reach $ 2.7 billion by the end of 2015. With the increasing prevalence of mobile devices, forensic evidence being extracted from mobile devices and other electronic devices become an invaluable source of evidence for investigators. Digital forensic tools help in the analysis of various digital crimes
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 3: Forensic accounting
Forensic or financial forensic accounting is the specialized practice area of ​​accounting that describes commitments arising from actual or anticipated litigation or litigation. The subjects that fall under this accounting are forensic accounting regulations, statistical forensic accounting techniques, the analysis of healthcare frauds used for the detection of fraud in healthcare companies, risk detection procedures fraud in forensic accounting, computerized accounting information system and # 40; caisand # 41. This industry provides services that apply accounting concepts and techniques to legal issues. Forensic accountants investigate and document financial fraud and white collar crimes. The forensic accounting services market contains a large number of vendors, and the top four service provider account for less than 30.0% of the market's total revenue, indicating a low concentration of market share.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 4: Forensic anthropology
Forensic anthropology includes the identification of disaster victims, other applications such as the new application of anthropometry, X-ray fluorescence and chemometric analytical techniques in chemical anthropology, virtual anthropology and case studies of forensic anthropology. United States the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) has forecast job growth of 19% for anthropologists and archaeologists from 2012 to 2022. Many universities, around ten universities in the United States, are working in the field of forensic anthropology, but there are private investigators.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 5: Forensic DNA Analysis
Forensic DNA testing (also called DNA testing or DNA typing) is a technique used by forensic scientists to identify individuals based on the characteristics of their DNA. It has a good chance of identifying the DNA of humans, forensic DNA analysis includes various methods such as new methods of extracting DNA from altered and old bone fragments, new methods of crime scene DNA analysis purification, DNA identification techniques include ABO typing and test for DNA forensic analysis, forensic analysis of mitochondrial DNA data, forensic analysis with portable analyser Efficient methods for the recovery of high quality DNA and RNA in forensic analysis.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 6: Forensic Engineering
It had a wider scope in the areas of accident reconstruction, assessment of human factors in structural failures. New technologies developed in forensic engineering are chemical engineering investigative analysis, silicone fingerprint engineering, forensic assessment using ultrasound and ultrasound radar techniques. The BCC estimates that total sales of forensic products and services were nearly $ 10.1 billion in 2010 and that sales will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4% through 2017 to exceed $ 17 billion.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 7: Forensic geology and geophysics
Forensic geophysics also called forensic geology is the study, research, location and mapping of objects or elements buried under the ground or water, using geophysical tools for legal purposes. Forensic archaeology will also come under this department where archaeological methods are applied to forensic work - crime scene -Various subthemes include the analysis of heavy metals and heavy mineral compositions, applications of paleontology for surveys, advanced soil forensic techniques, geochemical and isotopic tracers, seismology and nuclear testing.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 8: Forensic Medicine
Forensic Medicine is a subspecialty of pathology that aims to determine the cause of death by examining a cadaver. An autopsy is performed by a coroner, usually during criminal and civil investigations in some jurisdictions. This includes forensic autopsy case studies, post mortem interval determination, mRNA analysis of death investigations, forensic veterinary pathology (application of veterinary medicine to science forensic) and implications in forensic pathology and postmortem interval analysis.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 9: Forensic Psychiatry
Forensic Psychiatry is a sub-specialization of psychiatry and is related to criminology. He understands the interface between law and psychiatry. A forensic psychiatrist provides services - such as determining jurisdiction to prosecute - to a court to facilitate the arbitration process and provide treatment such as drugs and psychotherapy to criminals. This subject has a broad scope which includes forensic behavioural science, criminological studies, recent advances and techniques in criminal psychology, case studies and ethical issues in forensic psychology, personality disorders and developments. Recent in forensic psychiatry about fifteen universities are present, in particular in North America.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 10: Forensic toxicology
Forensic toxicology is the use of toxicology and other disciplines such as analytical chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical chemistry to facilitate medical or legal investigations into deaths, poisonings and drug use. Forensic toxicology includes various techniques for identifying drugs and toxic substances. Understands method development and analysis of cannabinoids, challenges in forensic toxicology, understands various analytical techniques such as GCMS. There are many research laboratories and universities. Most of the techniques are pharmaceutical techniques.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 11: Forensic Nursing
Forensic nurses investigate the actual and potential causes of morbidity and mortality in a variety of settings. The responsibilities of forensic nurses range from gathering evidence from perpetrators of violent crimes and survivors to testifying in court as a witness to a fact (someone who has seen a situation first hand) or expert witness (someone who offers an opinion on a particular situation). Forensic nurses understand the collection of evidence, such as forensic photography, for subsequent court and civil proceedings and act as the “bridge between the criminal justice system and the health care system”. The skills of the forensic nurse include, but are not limited to: observing, documenting and preserving evidence, all of which are essential in determining the legal outcome of violent crimes, nursing and medico-legal advice.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 12: Wildlife forensics
Wildlife forensics is a science applied to legal matters involving wildlife. Less research is underway under this title.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 13: Forensic Serology
A forensic serologist may also be involved in DNA analysis and blood trace analysis. This may involve analysing DNA and analysing traces of blood. The duties of a forensic serologist include determining the type and characteristics of blood, performing blood tests, examining blood spots, and preparing testimonies or presentations at trial. It analyse semen, saliva, other bodily fluids and may or may not be involved in DNA typing.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 14: Forensic FingerPrints
Fingerprints can be left on almost any physical object or surface, and if left in the right conditions, they can stay there for several years. Each fingerprint is unique to an individual and no fingerprint has ever been found to be identical. Identical twins who share similar DNA genetics will also have different fingerprints. When scanning fingerprints, each contains patterns that allow you to classify and distinguish them from each other. Common uses of fingerprint scanning are to help identify an unknown victim, witness or suspect in a criminal investigation. Fingerprint analysis is also used to verify records and, more importantly, to link a suspect to a crime.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 15: Forensic Botany
Forensic botany is the study of plant life in order to obtain information about possible crimes. Most often, that means using clues from plants to help solve serious crimes such as murder, kidnapping, and cause of death of a victim. In addition, in the event of any health problems, possibly associated with mould growth in buildings, guidelines for sample collection are presented and warnings are given that should be taken into account when interpreting the data. Attention is drawn to relevant publications published or brought to the attention of the authors from the review they prepared in 2010.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Track 16: Clinical Forensic Medicine
Clinical Forensic Medicine refers to a branch of medicine Forensic Pathology which involves an Assessment and Interpretation of Injury and Illness in living individuals. Forensic Pathology is primarily concerned with the provision of forensic services to living patients and medical advice, particularly in the investigation of crimes. However, there are physicians all over the world who are involved in both the clinical and pathological aspects of forensic pathology.
Related Conferences: 21st Global Conference on Pharmacogenomics, Biomarkers & Forensic Chemistry October 31-November 01, 2018 San Francisco, USA | 6th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology September 18- 19, 2017 Houston, Texas, USA | International Conference on Forensic Science and Clinical Toxicology November 2-3, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA | Global Summit on Toxicology and Forensic Science July 12-13, 2019 Yokohama, Japan | 5th International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic | 2nd International Congress on Forensic Science and Psychology October 12-13, 2017 London, UK
Related Association & Societies: Affiliated Psychiatric Services USA , American Society of Criminology USA, American Academy of Clinical Neuro Psychology USA, American Board of Professional Psychology UK, The Forensic Mental Health Association USA, The Psychological Society of Ireland, UK, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Canada, American Psychiatric Association USA.
Related keywords: Forensic Conference |Forensic Congress| Forensic Science Conference | Forensic Meetings | Forensic Medicine | Crime Investigation | Forensic Chemistry| Forensic Biochemistry
Look at the advertising and marketing market
The forensic technology market in Europe is expected to experience market growth of 13.2 GR during the forecast period (2017 2023)
Europe is the second largest regional market and is growing at rapid pace. For example, in 2014, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) jointly launched an Industry / University Cooperative Research Centre to strengthen university-industry collaboration in forensic science R and D and education. Additionally, the NIJ has partnered with the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to promote innovation in forensic science. In addition, the NIJ funds forensic science projects to promote basic research in forensic science.
In 2012, the global forensic technology market was valued at $ 8.3 billion and is expected to reach a total market value of $ 17.7 billion by the end of 2019, registering a growth rate of $ 17.7 billion 12.4 GR. The number of criminal labs in the United States that perform forensic testing increased from 300 in 1999 to about 475 in 2013.State-funded forensic labs now collectively spend over $ 1.6 billion annually.
The US market for forensic products and services was valued at over $ 10.9 billion in 2012 and is expected to reach $ 11.2 billion in 2013. BCC Research predicts the market to reach $ 16.3 billion by 2018 and will record five compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8% from 2013 to 2018.
Conference Highlights
- Forensic Chemistry
- Digital Forensics
- Forensic accounting
- Forensic anthropology
- Forensic DNA Analysis
- Forensic Engineering
- Forensic geology and geophysics
- Forensic Medicine
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Forensic toxicology
- Forensic Nursing
- Wildlife forensics
- Forensic Serology
- Forensic Fingerprinting
- Forensic Botany
- Clinical Forensic Medicine
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Conference Date | March 23-24, 2022 | ||
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Special Issues
All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Our International Journals.
- Journal of Forensic Psychology
- Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics - Open Access
- Journal of Forensic Research
Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by